An inspiring and innovative dialogue between Western modern and contemporary art and antique works of art from the African continent. ECHOES 2.0 presents a carefully curated selection of artworks by Constant Permeke, Oscar Jespers, Bram Bogart , René Guiette, Sol Lewitt, Hubert Wolfs, Marthe Wery, Giorgio Griffa, Stanley Whitney, Kendell Geers, Moataz Alqaissy, Frits Van den Berghe, Jaromir Novotny and Frederik Lizen, together with a curated selection of antique artworks by anonymous artists from Ghana, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, D.R. Congo and Mali.

A new documentary series ‘Acquisition’/ ‘Aanwinst’ was launched on February 23 on VRT MAX. It shows us seven contemporary artist portraits whose work was recently added to the art collection of the Flemish Community. Following the series, an exhibition under the same name will open in C-Mine Genk from February 24 to May 26, where you can admire the works of art from the series in real life.

The Long Goodbye
Final group exhibition at Geukens & De Vil.
Opening 25/11/22
Exhibition > 23 December 2024

For the occasion of Art’s birthday, a new public painting is displayed for one year on the M HKA,
the museum of contemporary art in Antwerp.

Finis terrae
The end. A beginning
Exactly five years after the successful exhibition ecce homo (2017-2018),
Gallery Geukens & De Vil again organizes a large-scale art walk with 50 contemporary Belgian artists,
At 13 unique locations in Antwerp, exploring one universal theme: our planet.
Start exhibition: 17 november 2022
Festive opening with free entrance: 19 november, from 11am-5pm
Exhibition > 26 february 2023

Hot spot #1 Painting
Group exhibition at Valerie Traan. Put together by Narcisse Tordoir
Opening 26/11/22 and 27/11/22,
Exhibition > 21 january 2023